Collection: Old Girls Naming Wall

This year, to honour our Old Girls, we will be installing a mounted plaque outside the entrance of the school. It is in the shape of a large ECS crest and will feature the names of Old Girl donors. 

There are 500 spots to be filled only by ECS Old Girls. There are three different donation levels. 

  • Name a large lily (top part of the crest): $2500
  • Name a small lily (lower part of the crest): $1000
  • Name a small plaque (framing the crest): $250

We are hoping you will fill these Lilies of the Valley and show ECS your support. Be creative! Give on your own or get a group together and take a spot on our crest: your grade; your team; a group of friends; your sisters & cousinsdaughters & grandmothersEdgarsCramps, Adamis.

If you have already made a donation to the school and want to participate in this Old Girl fundraising initiative, please contact the Advancement Office.